Thursday, March 22, 2012

I Miss Traveling!

Boy do I miss traveling!  We haven't taken a real trip since our trip to Hawaii a couple of years ago.  We've traveled but trips to Monterey, Ashland, or SF don't count in my book.  There are days I yearn for a new view, yearn to hear a different language as I walk down the street, or experience a different culture.  I miss the days where we sat in the London Starbucks (yes, they are everywhere!) with the steamed windows from the fresh coffee brewing and the many patrons.  Or the ritual of bundling up from head to toe before daring to take a step out our front door.  I miss seeing London, Rome, Venice, or Almeria at night.  Oh Almeria!  I miss sitting at our little bar on the beach having a beer and staring out at the ocean.  I miss shopping for something unique, inexpensive, yet special to bring home filled with memories that I will still recall when I'm 80.

These days my travels consist of House Hunters International :)

But all is not lost!  We now look forward to traveling with our baby, well not really baby anymore.  More like an almost 5 year old.  I look forward to seeing the new through her eyes.......I guess I have been traveling really.  I have been seeing the world through her eyes for almost 5 years now.  Seeing everything with innocence and a shiny newness to it like she does.  Its jus a different type of travel I suppose.  Wow, learn something from her everyday!  

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